Preoperative Surgical Hypnosis

Hypnosis can prepare you and your body to begin the healing process immediately. 

Be Prepared to Heal Quickly

Many people experience anxiety before undergoing surgery. This anxiety can sometimes stand in the way of healing while a positive mental state is extremely beneficial to the healing process.

Through hypnosis we can prepare the body before a surgery so that the healing process can begin immediately and decrease the overall recovery time.  

Preoperative hypnosis sessions can often be done over the phone. Once your subconscious mind has accepted that the procedure will go as planned and your body welcomes “being fixed” you can look forward to a faster recovery after surgery.

The same principles apply if you are experiencing a painful recovery following surgery. Together we teach your body to accept its healthier new state.


*Hypnosis is not a substitute for appropriate medical attention.  Statements and services offered on this web site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.  When dealing with a physical illness or disease always consult a qualified physician. There is no guarantee of specific results and results can vary from person to person. 




