Ways of Healing    

Hypnosis is a safe and natural way for change and healing. 


Physical Wellness

Hypnotherapy can help with your desire to live a healthy lifestyle. This includes weight loss, smoking cessation, chemical addiction, sexual disfunction, stress management, and can be used as complementary healing for medical conditions.
Pain Management
When modern medicine is not enough or not an option hypnosis is a natural way to help you deal with pain issues. This can include Pre/Post Surgical, Cancer Treatments, Arthritis, Sports Injuries, and other conditions.
Fears and Phobias 
One of the most common uses of hypnosis is to overcome fears and phobias. Hypnotherapy works by accessing the underlying cause of the fear or phobia and eliminating the response.  Whether it's spiders, heights, crowds, or flying, Hypnosis can help you overcome your fear.
Performance and Test Anxiety
Many people experience performance anxiety when it is important to perform at a high level. Public Speaking, Job Interviews, Exams, and Athletic Performances can all be stressful. Hypnosis will help you to perform at your optimum level.

Family Issues 

Families can be a great source of support and comfort or they can be a source of tension and conflict. If you experience ongoing emotional reactions to an event or series of events from the past, hypnotherapy can help you work through family issues so that you can move forward. 
Grief and Depression
At some point in everyone’s life grief and depression can become paralyzing. This can be the loss of a loved one, divorce, major life change, or a physical impairment. Hypnotherapy will help you to deal with change in a new light.


Hypnoanalysis is a form of regression therapy. It is a fast and highly effective form of therapy that can identify the cause of deeply rooted personal, psychological, and emotional issues. 

Additional Services  

Hypnosis is a very versatile tool that can help us work through a wide spectrum of personal concerns. Find out more here. 
*There is no guarantee of specific results and results can vary from person to person.




